2024 年 9 月 13 日娛樂音樂 發佈

時隔八年,K-pop界的女王2NE1正式宣布回歸,並將展開全球巡迴演唱會,這對於所有Black Jack粉絲而言,無疑是一個振奮人心的消息。自2009年出道以來,2NE1以其獨特的音樂風格和強勁的表演贏得了無數粉絲的心,直到2016年宣布解散,令粉絲們心碎。回顧他們在2016年時的告別演出,許多人至今難以忘懷。

在今年的Coachella音樂節上,2NE1驚喜合體演出,演唱了經典歌曲《I Am the Best》,引發全場狂潮,這一刻無疑讓所有粉絲感受到女王們的強大魅力。此舉也讓人們期待已久的全新巡演計畫隨之浮出水面,官方宣布將於今年10月起在首爾、大阪、東京等地展開巡演,台北站也在其中,備受粉絲期待。

2NE1的成員CL、朴春、Dara和Minzy,這四位才華洋溢的女歌手,將為粉絲帶來他們最具代表性的音樂作品,以及全新的舞台演出。自出道以來,2NE1以《Fire》、《I Am the Best》等歌曲為K-pop音樂圈帶來了許多創新的元素,這些經典曲目至今仍廣為流傳,成為粉絲心中永恆的回憶。



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Lisa於2024 MTV音樂錄影帶大獎大放異彩,獲得最佳K-Pop獎
2024 年 9 月 13 日娛樂音樂 發佈

2024年MTV音樂錄影帶大獎(MTV Video Music Awards, VMA)於美東時間9月11日盛大舉行,吸引了全球音樂迷的關注。今年的頒獎典禮在紐約的UBS競技場舉行,現場星光熠熠,紅毯上的每一位明星都以獨特的風格展現了自己的時尚品味。

在眾多耀眼的表演中,南韓人氣女團BLACKPINK的泰國成員Lisa成為了觀眾的焦點。自從與YG娛樂的合約到期後,Lisa選擇了成立自己的公司「LLOUD」,並在個人音樂生涯中展現出色潛力。今年,她推出了最新單曲《Rockstar》,並在頒獎典禮上以一身Louis Vuitton透視連身裙亮相,展現出她的時尚風格和音樂才華。

Lisa的表演不僅精彩絕倫,還成功獲得了2024 VMA最佳K-Pop獎,這一榮譽不僅是對她音樂才能的肯定,也是對她在全球音樂市場上持續增長影響力的認可。她的獲獎不僅為她個人打開了更廣闊的音樂道路,也為K-Pop音樂在國際舞台上的地位提升添磚加瓦。

在頒獎典禮上,除了Lisa的驚豔表現,其他明星如泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)和凱蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)也成為了熱議的話題,兩位音樂巨星在舞台上上演了大和解的感人時刻,讓現場氛圍更加熱烈。

2024 VMA的成功舉辦再次證明了音樂的力量,讓不同文化之間的交流更加緊密。Lisa作為K-Pop的代表,不僅用她的音樂影響了數百萬粉絲,也在頒獎典禮上展示了女性在音樂產業中的強大影響力。她的每一次出現都讓人期待,未來會有更多的驚喜。


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2024 年 9 月 13 日娛樂音樂 發佈






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K-pop Star Taeil Leaves NCT Amid Sexual Offense Allegations
2024 年 8 月 29 日Current AffairsEntertainment 發佈

In a shocking turn of events for the K-pop community, Taeil, a prominent member of the boyband NCT, has officially departed from the group following serious allegations of a sexual offense. The news was confirmed by SM Entertainment on August 28, sending ripples through the fanbase and raising concerns about the implications of such allegations in the highly scrutinized entertainment industry. Taeil, who has been an integral part of NCT, NCT U, and NCT 127 for the past eight years, was a beloved figure among fans, known for his vocal prowess and charismatic stage presence. The announcement marks a significant moment not only for the artist’s career but also for the K-pop industry at large, which has been grappling with issues of accountability and the treatment of artists within its ranks. While the specifics of the allegations remain unclear, they underscore a growing tension within the K-pop sphere regarding the conduct of its stars. As more allegations surface, the discourse around mental health, support systems, and the responsibilities of entertainment companies is becoming increasingly relevant. The pressure on idols to maintain a perfect image often clashes with the realities they face, leading to a complex web of expectations and consequences. Fans of NCT have expressed a mix of shock, disappointment, and concern for Taeil during this tumultuous time. The K-pop community is known for its passionate support of idols, but it is also a space where accountability is demanded. The departure of a member under such serious circumstances prompts a wider conversation about the culture within the industry and the need for systemic changes to protect both artists and fans. As investigations continue, many are calling for transparency from SM Entertainment and a commitment to addressing these issues head-on. The hope is that this situation will lead to meaningful discussions about the treatment of artists, the responsibilities of agencies, and the importance of mental health support in an industry that often prioritizes profit over well-being. In the wake of this incident, the K-pop landscape may witness shifts in how companies handle allegations and support their artists. Fans are urging for a balanced approach, where accountability is prioritized, but the well-being of individuals is equally considered. Taeil’s departure from NCT serves as a reminder of the complexities within the entertainment world and the urgent need for change. As the story unfolds, the K-pop community watches closely, hoping for a resolution that respects the truth while fostering an environment of care and support.

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